American Cat Fanciers Association        



Inter-America Awards 2011






2011 IA Cat Winners

Amber-Eyed White Maine Coon Cat Male

B: Carl and Melanie Galka and Chris Buck

O: Chris and Patrick Buck and Cathy Earleson


Listing of 2011 IA Cat winners and their owners/breeders


Black Persian Male

B:  Royd and Patricia Honeycutt

O: Juanita and Karly Chnupa



Ebony Tabby Oriental Shorthair Male

B: Gail W. Bercher

O: Kay Hanvey and Marilee King

Silver Tabby American Shorthair Male

B: Don and Joan Klarner, Dana Apel,

    Laurie Sills Anderson, and Jean Latham

O: Jim and Phyllis Nelson




Cream British Shorthair Male

B: Patricia M. Day

O: Beverly Speake and Patricia Day


Red Tabby Exotic Shorthair Male

B/O:  Carol Jordan


Blue Russian Shorthair Male

B/O: Alan R. Harding


Ruddy Abyssinian Female

B/O: Mike and Debra Heffron



Red McTabby and White RagaMuffin Male

B/O: Lynn Tait and Janet Klarmann



Ruddy Somali Female

B/O: Ray and Sandy Benter


Seal Point Birman Female

B/O: Carolyn and Richard Prucha


Chestnut Silver Spotted Tabby Oriental Shorthair Male

B: Sharon M. Gilb

O: Robert and Sharon Gilb

Red Tabby American Curl Longhair Male

B: Mary P. Hare

O: Christine Sullivan


Champagne Tonkinese Male

B: Joann Kay Payfer

O: Murlene Priest and Amy Hanson

Seal Point Siamese Female

B/O: Bonnie Fuller


Chocolate Point Birman Male

B/O: Carolyn and Richard Prucha


Silver Egyptian Mau Male

B/O: Alan Harding


Sable Burmese Male

B: Betty Sue Kremer and Dolores Kennedy

O: Maureen Krzeszewski


Brown Patched McTabby and White Maine Coon Cat Female

B: Alice Barrick

O: Chris and Patrick Buck and Cathy Earleson


Tortoiseshell and White Sphynx Female

B: Betty Haddix and Tina Tomaini

O: Gloria Harding




2011 IA Kitten Winners


Brown Tabby Maine Coon Cat Male

B: Carl and Melanie Galka

O: Melissa A. Schmidt


Listing of 2011 IA Kitten winners and their owners/breeders

Seal Point Birman Female

B/O: Richard and Carolyn Prucha



Ebony Spotted Tabby Oriental Shorthair Male

B/O: Sharon M. Gilb


Black Bombay Female

B: Maureen Krzeszewski

O: Maureen and Bob Krzeszewski


Silver Spotted Tabby and White Selkirk Rex Shorthair Female

B: Victoria Pecotich
: Pamela and  Alan Lanners


Red Tabby Maine Coon Cat Male

B/O: Michele Dawn Manieri



Red Abyssinian Female

B/O: Mike and Debra Heffron


Red Tabby Exotic Shorthair Male

B/O: Carol R. Jordan


Tortoiseshell Longhair Exotic Spay

B: Tim Murphy

O: Carol Bokum and Bob Fawcett 


Shaded Cameo and White Maine Coon Cat Male

B/O: Doug and LeighAnn Blackmore

and Jo and Glen Newton  


Brown McTabby and White Maine Coon Cat Female

B: Linda Fleshman and Beth Bishop
O: Linda and Dean


Seal Lynx Point and White Ragdoll Female

B: Rachel R. Zimmer
O: Amanda Murphy



Black Bombay Female

B: Maureen Krzeszewski
O: Kari and Nathaniel Prucha


Tortoiseshell Van Turkish Van Female

B: Missi Cooper

O: Missi Cooper and Travis Paden


Natural Mink and White Sphynx Female

B: Gloria and Alan Harding

O: Gloria Harding


Seal Silver Lynx Point Spotted Tabby Bengal Male

B: Connie McIver

O: Doug and LeighAnn Blackmore
Ian and Ginny Blackmore 


Brown Spotted Tabby Bengal Female

B: Janice and Chris Becker

O: Janice Becker 



Black Sphynx Male

B: Gloria and Alan Harding

O: Gloria Harding 


Blue Russian Shorthair Male

B: Alan R. and Gloria Harding
: Alan R. Harding


Brown McTabby and White Maine Coon Cat Male 

B/O: Carl and Melanie Galka 





2011 IA Alter Winners

Chocolate Spotted Tabby Ocicat Neuter

B: Ann C. and Joseph D. Jucha
O: Ann C. Jucha


Listing of 2011 IA Alter winners and their owners/breeders

Silver Tabby and White Selkirk Rex Shorthair Neuter

B: Victoria Pecotich

O: Arthur Andrews

Red and White Persian Neuter

B: Debbie Lopeman

O: Mark Schuster




Sable Burmese Spay

B: Dolores Kennedy and Betty Sue Kremer

O: Betty Sue Kremer

Blue British Shorthair Neuter

B: Lyla M. Fauble and Patricia M. Day

O: Lyla M. Fauble


Ruddy Abyssinian Neuter

B: Kenna Duerr

O: Norma Anderson


Seal Point and White Oriental Shorthair Neuter

B: Laura Hannah

O: Murlene Priest, Amy Hanson and Laura Hannah


Sable Burmese Neuter

B: Dolores Kennedy and Betty Sue Kremer

O: Melissa A. Schmidt and Betty Sue Kremer

Blue Point Birman Neuter

B/O: John and Jaimie Kirchhoff


Red Tabby Maine Coon Cat Neuter

B: Carl and Melanie Galka

O: Chelsea Andres

Cream Tabby Maine Coon Cat Neuter

B: Michele Dawn Manieri

O: Kathleen D. Tomas

Brown Tabby and White American Wirehair Neuter

B: Swanson, Harmon, and Isenhour

O: Maryann and Jim Chase


Brown Tabby Persian Neuter

B/O: Linda M. See

Tortoiseshell Longhair Exotic Spay

B: Tim Murphy

O: Carol Bokum and Bob Fawcett

Brown Marbled Tabby Bengal Neuter

B: Betty and Joe Rosera

O: Karly Chnupa


Brown Tabby Exotic Shorthair Neuter

B: Heather Ord and Carol Leask

O: Carol Leask

Sable Burmese Neuter

B: Dolores Kennedy
O: Jeanne and Frank Osborne



Lilac Lynx Point Balinese Neuter

B/O: Shirley Filipello

Black Cornish Rex Neuter

B/O:  Dr. Kathryn L. Owen  and   Sarah Walker


Seal Lynx Point and White Ragdoll Neuter

B: Cheryl Vollmer

O: Greg and Marlys Bartling 





2011 IA HHP Winners


Chocolate and White Spay

O: Chris Buck


Listing of 2011 IA HHP winners and their owners

Brown McTabby and White Neuter

O: Matt Overholser and Karen and Cory Hovland

Brown Patched McTabby and White Spay

O: The Press Family


Seal Lynx Point Spay

O: Shirley Filipello

Brown Ticked Tabby Neuter

O: Janet M. Rook and Nicki Sage

Brown Tabby Neuter

O: Nancy M. Curtis

Odd-Eyed Cream Tabby Van Neuter

O: Karly Chnupa

Brown Patched McTabby and White Spay

O: Patricia W. Brown

Black Van Neuter

O: Missi Cooper and Travis Paden


Seal Tortie Point and White Spay

O: Rachel R. Zimmer

Brown Patched McTabby and White Spay

O: Karen and Wayne Henneke

Red Point Neuter

O: Nathaniel Prucha and Russell Mabbitt

Black Spay

O: The Press Family



Brown Tabby and White Neuter

O: Christine Sullivan

Amber-Eyed White Spay

O: Nancy Supran


Seal Point and White Neuter

O: Debra and Michael Heffron



Blue Neuter

O: Patricia M. Day

Brown McTabby Spay

O: Matt Overholser and Karen and Cory Hovland


Blue Lynx Point and White Neuter

O: Mark Vollmer

Brown McTabby and White Spay

O: Roslyn Evans




