American Cat Fanciers Association
Request for adding your name and cattery to
the Breeders' Directory
NEW / RENEWING MEMBERS ! - This message is
directed to both members that have previously sent their membership dues to
ACFA Central Office, and now at a later date, desire their cattery to be
listed on breeders pages. You may E-mail your listing information (see form
above) directly to me, Webmaster,
or send the form to ACFA, P.O. Box 1949, Nixa, MO 65714-1949. It may take as
much as 4 weeks from the date of sending/E-mailing your request for your
listing to appear on the ACFA breeders list. As noted earlier, EACH name must
be verified as being a paid member prior to inclusion on the breeders list.
QUICK-RESPONSE for BREEDERS LISTING - The Quickest way to get your
cattery listed on the ACFA breeders page is to Apply/Renew your membership
(get your ACFA membership form
here) Send both forms together with your check for membership to
the ACFA, the address shown on the form. Please Print clearly.
Using these two Mail-in forms together circumvents the approval cycle and
the need for resubmitting the above request form, thereby minimizing the time
between your request and when you see actually your name on the breeders list.
If you submit your Request and have NOT paid your CURRENT
membership dues, or LESS than 30 days have elapsed since
applying for or renewing a membership, your name may NOT YET
be available to the webmasters as having a PAID MEMBERSHIP.
For the FASTEST way of getting your breeders listing on our ACFA
list is to email your request to our webmaster with the
requested information, but only if your membership is current. |
One of the
benefits of your ACFA membership is the privilege to have your name(s)
and addresses included on the breeders list. All PAID
members are eligible.
Requirement: The
requirement to add your name to the ACFA list is simple:
You must be a member
in good standing (CURRENT membership dues paid).
If your CURRENT membership dues are paid,
and you wish to Add your name to our ACFA breeders list; send the
following information to ACFA or our webmaster.
* = Blanks that MUST
E-Mail: _____________________________*
Phone ________________*
Address ____________________________________________
City: ______________, * State: ____ *
Country: _USA__ Canada
ZIP _________ Cattery
Name ____________________
Breed(s)______________________________________* 2
Please check your membership expiration date prior to submitting
your request.
If you are unsure, contact central office.
Applicants membership expiration date will be VERIFIED PRIOR to
Note: Names will be removed from the breeders list 30 days after
membership expiration.
Web Page
See requirement below for adding your
web page &: linking. |
If you wish your address
not to be listed, please insert NotPost (not to post)
on the address line. Thanks! |
E-Mail Info to:
or Send form to ACFA, P.O. Box 1949, Nixa, MO 65714-1949
To include your web page address (URL) , your page must meet the
following ADDITIONAL requirements:
1.) On your FRONT page(s) there must be an approved graphic,
or the ACFA letters linked to the ACFA web page. This
link must be within the initial viewing screen your visitors see of your page, before scrolling down.
Having the ACFA link buried unnoticeably in your page, or at the
page bottom, is not acceptable.
Approved Graphics:
To download approved graphic,
click your right mouse button,
then "save picture as",
place in your favorite file folder |
2.) If other Cat Registry organization are also mentioned on
your first page, ACFA must be of equal or greater size than the
other Registries.
3.) The Webmaster reserves the right to refuse or
remove a URL link to a breeders name if there is excessive
advertising on the link, implications of unsavory practices,
false advertising, fraudulent claims, anything illegal or
immoral, non-compliant with ACFA linking rules, or anything on
the web page that places a negative light on ACFA.