American Cat Fanciers Association        

British Shorthair Breeders' Directory




  British Shorthair Breed Standard

  British Longhair Breed Standard



The British LH/SH is a medium to large almost square cat.   It is a sturdy cat, well knit and powerful with a broad, rounded chest.  The head is broad with well rounded contours when viewed from any angle, with full cheeks, giving a chubby appearance, with a short broad nose. Overall appearance of this breed with its short bull neck, standing on strong muscular legs and well rounded paws, is that of a solid muscular cat, with no fat on its body, pleasing to the eye and very amenable to handling.    


Hanna Brister
Cattery: Stormborn Brits
(612) 505-5639 Watertown, MN

Patti Day

(612) 968-2869

Apple Valley, MN

Lyla Fauble
Cattery: Lyati
(612) 839-0216 Apple Valley, MN

Pamela & Alan Lanners

(608) 377-2259

Camp Douglas, WI

Susan Sanderlin-Berry
Equinox XOTC

(425) 308-3108

Everett WA




Breed Chair
Patricia Day
Carver, MN 
(612) 968-2869