American Cat Fanciers Association        

Exotic Shorthair/Longhair Exotic Breeders' Directory




  Exotic Shorthair Breed Standard

  Longhair Exotic Breed Standard

The exotic shorthair is a man made breed. The breed was created in the early 1950's by some Persian breeders who wanted the look of the Persian without the work of the long hair.   American shorthairs, some Burmese and possibly some British Shorthairs were bred with the Persians to create the shorthair cat.   Once the type of the Persian was achieved, these other breeds were eliminated from the breeding programs.   The exotic shorthair is a robust, cobby cat with short legs, round head, short snub nose and large round eyes.

The standard allows for Exotic Shorthair to to be breed to Exotic Shorthair or Persian or Himalayan or Longhair Exotic.They have a wonderful temperament and are good cats in all kinds of living arrangements. The exotic shorthair comes in all colors and patterns.



The Longhair Exotic is a result of the Exotic Shorthair breeding. The breed was recognized for championship status in ACFA in 1992. The standard calls for a Persian type cat and comes in all colors and patterns. The registration rules allow Exotic Shorthair to Exotic Shorthair breeding (longhairs can occur), Longhair Exotic to Exotic Shorthair (both longhairs and shorthairs can occur) and Longhair Exotic to Longhair Exotic (only longhairs will occur). The pedigree of ancestry may reflect Himalayan, Persian, American Shorthair, British Shorthair and Burmese. The breed has a wonderful laid-back temperament but does require the work involved with any longhaired Persian type cats.

Elizabeth Aseltine
Cattery: Everpaw
(310) 802-9700
Minneapolis, MN

Sheila Dewey


Jamestown, ND


Don Finger


Wausau, WI


Carol Jordan


Jody Lawson
Cattery: Cat Creek


Spooner, WI


Jan Rook
Cattery: Jadacats

Susan Sanderlin-Berry
Equinox XOTC



Everett WA






Exotic Shorthair Breed Chair    
Janet Rook
(417) 860-7064


Longhair Exotic Breed Chair    
Jody Lawson
(715) 520-0231