American Cat Fanciers Association
Maine Coon Breeders' Directory
Whatever the true nature of their beginnings, New Englanders were proud of their "All American" cat.
They had been entering their Maine Cats in local cat shows during the 1860's. The first cat show in North America at Madison Square Gardens in 1895, was won by a Maine Coon. The Maine Coon retreated from popularity in the late 1800's with the arrival of "fancier" breeds. This noble creature was declared extinct in the 1950's. Its extinction was exaggerated and recorded too early. A small group of dedicated breeders helped the Maine Coon regain its position of stature in the cat fancy. By 1976, all cat registries in North America recognized the breed. The "All American" cat is now back in its rightful place. The Maine Coon is now the number 2 most popularly registered breed in North America. Conformation: Everything about the Maine Coon points to and is the result of its adaptation to the harsh climate of New England. The Maine Coon is a massive, broad chested cat with a long rectangular body on a substantial bone structure suited to survival. Males average 13 to 18 pounds, with some topping the scales over 20. While females rarely attain the same size as the males, they are substantial at 7 to 11 pounds. One of the factors for the Maine's survival was its coat. The glossy coat is shaggy, water resistant, and almost maintenance free--a good brushing about once a week is all that's required to keep it in top condition. Please refer to the Maine Coon standard for a complete description of the head, body,and coat.
While brown tabby and brown tabby particolor is the most commonly seen in the show ring, they are just two of the colors. The Maine Coon comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns, with the exception of the pointed Siamese pattern or those of chocolate or lilac. Have a look at the Maine Coon standard to see the many choices available.
The Maine Coon is known in the cat fancy as the "gentle giant". This gentle breed gets along well with children, other cats and dogs. This sociable cat prefers to be with their humans and to help in every activity. The breed has been described as owning a dog in cat clothes. Welcome a Maine Coon into your family, and you will join the thousands who sing the praises of this large, handsome, gentle, and affectionate breed.
Christine Barker |
Lake Wappapello,MO |
LeighAnn Blackmore |
(352) 455-4466
Eustis, FL |
Katrina Brown Cattery: Fluffy Giants |
(517) 662-0200 | Palmyra, MI |
Cattery: Buctales |
South Beloit, IL |
Lorelei Cauffman |
(515) 225-4837 |
West Des Moines, IA |
Kat Doring |
(651) 463-4780 |
Farmington, MN |
Judi Dyer |
(573) 247-5902 |
Salem, MO |
David Dykhuizen Cattery: One Cat |
(319) 350-8151 (319) 540-3736 |
Mount Vernon, IA |
Linda Fleshman Cattery: Tufts'n Ruff |
(816) 279-2829 | St. Joseph, MO |
Cammy Franklin Cattery: Wild Pride |
(319) 929-2012 | Cedar Rapids, IA |
Melanie & Carl Galka Cattery: CDreams |
(608) 837-5260 |
Lodi, WI |
Laurie Georgeson Cattery: Wiscoonsin |
(605) 351-1959 | Hudson, WI |
Karon Hansberger Cattery: Reigningcats |
(724) 484-3228 | Florida |
Buffy Haist Cattery: August |
(225) 503-4444 | Gardner, KS |
Amy & Brian Hanson Cattery : Ma'at |
(785) 317-0557 | Eastern Kansas |
Margie Hopman Cattery: Kattarose |
(352) 314-9298 | Fruitland Park, FL |
Emily Jarrett Cattery: Zeus Pride |
(608) 799-7904 | Lacrosse, WI |
Danielle Labinski Cattery: Ears and Paws |
(262) 325-3148 | Kenosha, WI |
Judy Liggett Cattery: Chancery |
(608) 335-4565 | Cambridge, WI |
Dawn Manieri Cattery: CoonPals |
(813) 857-3335 | Ridge Manor, FL |
Lori Marjerrison Cattery: PraireBabies |
(807) 629-8572 | Thunder Bay, ON CA |
Desirae Meyer Cattery: Meyer Maines |
(507) 440-5084 | Austin, MN |
Wendy Meyer Cattery: Theatricats |
(507) 440-7841 | Austin, MN |
Julie Milazzo Cattery: Arkancoons |
(501) 658-7462 | Alexander, AR |
Lori Munding Cattery: Colorofcat |
(260) 459-1182 | Fort Wayne, IN |
Serena Purdy Cattery: GKat |
(417)536-6092 | Ozark, MO |
Lena Roberts Cattery: Nebraskcoons |
(402) 369-2972 | Wayne, NE |
Kristi Rogers Cattery: Little Lions |
(417)259-0599 | Willow Springs, MO |
Slinker Cattery: Loveyslane |
(765)918-0256 | Romney, IN |
Valenti Cattery: Purry Acres |
(610)762-1914 | Bethlehem, PA |
Alena Zhytkevich Cattery: PACoons |
(646) 226-4141 | Quakertown, PA |