American Cat Fanciers Association        

Ocicat Breeders' Directory




  Ocicat Breed Standard



The Ocicat was the result of the crossing of an Abbysinian, Siamese and American Shorthair. in 1964 Virginia Daly, who lived in Michigan, was trying to produce an Aby-point Siamese. To her surprise she produce an ivory kitten with golden spots, the first ocicat. The kitten named Tonga, was neutered and sold as a pet. Mrs. Daly's daughter named the breed ocicat, do to the resemblance to an ocelot.

The ocicat is a medium to large cat with surprising weight for their size. They are solid and well muscled with a fullness of body and chest. The ocicat is agile, alert, athletic, graceful, and full of vitality. They should have a short, tight coat with a satiny sheen. The ocicat should be well spotted with spots that run from the shoulder blades to the tail and as far down the legs as possible. Ocicats are available in twelve different colors. The colors are, tawny, chocolate, cinnamon, silver, chocolate silver, cinnamon silver, blue, lavender, fawn, blue silver, lavender silver and fawn silver.

The ocicat may look wild but they are anything but fierce. They are like a dog in that they are totally devoted to their owners. They are very intelligent and easy to train.


Ocicats have been known to play fetch, walk on a leash and even respond to voice commands. Ocicats also easily adapt to traveling. Because of an ocicats social nature they are not suited to being left alone, however, they do well with other animals as companions. Ocicats are also easy to keep. They require only occasional grooming and even though they look wild, they are not, and require no special diet.