American Cat Fanciers Association

Selkirk Rex Breeders' Directory
The result of a dominant, spontaneous
mutation that causes each hair to have a gentle wave or curve giving the
coat a soft feel. This is a medium to large cat with heavy boning that gives
surprising weight and an impression of power. The head is round, broad and
full cheeked. The Selkirtk Rex has a sweet, alert and active personality.
All colors and patterns are accepted. Selkirk are accepted in both Longhair
and Shorthair.
Landers-Dickinson Cattery:Catequil |
(515) 314-3376 | IA |
Don Finger |
(715) 693-4884 |
Wausau, WI |
Pamela & Alan Lanners |
Camp Douglas, WI |
Lena Roberts Cattery: Nebraskcoons |
(402) 369-2972 | Wayne, NE |
Jan Rook Cattery: Jadacats |
(417) 860-7064 | Billings, MO |